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Beer Permits


MTAS MORe - Responsible Vendor Act: Sample Code Chapter

8-205.Powers and duties of the beer board. [2] The beer board shall have the power and it is hereby directed to regulate the selling, storing for sale, distributing for sale, and manufacturing of beer within this municipality in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.  


Alderman Micky Akrom, Roger Greene, Michelle Vaulton


Persons wishing to sell, store for sale, distribute for sale, or manufacture beer within the town must obtain a Permit from the Town Beer Board. This process starts by obtaining an application for a beer permit and a copy of the Town Beer Ordinance online or from the Town Recorder’s office.


This application must be filled out, notarized, and then returned to the Town Recorder’s office with payment of a $250 non-refundable application fee. Prior to fee payment, an applicant should review the various requirements related to the sale of beer. The application, a TBI background check, and verification of requirements outlined in the beer ordinance are compiled by the Town Recorder's office, who schedules a meeting of the Beer Board.


The Beer Board considers the application and either grants or refuses a permit according to compliance with the Town Beer Ordinance. Compliance issues include:

  • Zoning of establishment

  • Minimum seating for on-premise permit

Active permit holders are subject to an annual $100 privilege tax, prorated for the first year and payable in January of each subsequent year.   



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Town of Bean Station / (865) 993-3177

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